Sunday, June 27, 2010

It's Summertime!

Summertime is finally here, and, boy, am I welcoming in with open arms!  It's been a great one so far.  We've had plenty of trips to the pool already, including our first swim class yesterday.  We also went to our friend, Matt's, birthday BBQ yesterday.  We could only stay for a little over an hour, but had a great time while we were there!  I'd say the first three days of summer vacation have been perfect!  There's lots more to come though-our big trip to Montana is a little over a week and a half away-yikes! 

Pictures from the weekend...
"I'm ready for swim class, mommy!"

"I can make a piggy face!  Wanna see?"

"I'm not so sure about this, mommy!"

"Hey, that looks like fun!  Let's go!"

"Let's do this thing, mom and dad.  I'm ready!"

"Mommy, can I sign Mr. Matt's card?"

"I like this hardwood floor stuff."

"Meet my new friend, Clara.  She's 4 months old!"

Clara: "I like your bow, Ellie."
Ellie: "Thanks, Mommy calls them a Target special." 

"It's ok, Clara.  My mommy is super nice :)"

"Holy cow!  Watermelon is yummo!"

"More, more, more!"

"It's a good view up here!"

"Look at daddy's silly face."

"I'm standing these days. 
They don't know what they're in for! Hehehe..."

Here are the latest videos :)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

A Great Father's Day Weekend!

This weekend marks a first for our family!  Celebrating Dave's first Father's Day has been great!  We celebrated on Saturday, since Dave is working all day today.  The day couldn't have been better!  We shared some little gifts with Dave on Saturday morning (pictures to come :), took Ellie to the pool for the very first time, and once Ellie was down for the night, Dave and I had a cookout for just the two of us.  It really was such a nice day. 

I guess I'll update everyone.  There's so much going on lately! 

Me:  I am SO ready for summer!  We have three half days left of school, and the long awaited summer vacation will finally start!  The kids are ready, the teachers are's time!  In two weeks, we are going to Montana for 10 days, which brings a bag of mixed emotions for me-mostly excitement with some nervousness and anxiety for the travel mixed in...

Dave:  Dave is doing great!  He's on his third of four rotations for his field training.  He should have his permanent schedule by the end of July.  I think he's really happy that he made the decision to go into the police force.  He's doing so well, and we're all really proud of him!

Miss Ellie:  Holy cow!  Ellie is full of life these days!  She finally got over her cold, only to develop Roseola a few days later.  She's finally healthy again!  Thank goodness!  She's now got three teeth (the two bottom, and one of the side top ones), and is hitting so many milestones lately, it's hard to keep up with her!  She's crawling all over the place and is starting to pull herself up to standing.  Eeek!  She's a wonderful little, spitfire of a girl, and I couldn't be happier with the person she's becoming :) 

Here's some pictures from the weekend:

I'm glad the water shoes could be of some use :)

I like this!  Can we come back, mommy?

Mmmm...rubber :)


She loves her new pool toys!

Hangin' out with mommy!

A great shot of her new teeth!

One of daddy's Father's Day gifts...a BUTTerfly...I'm sure you can get the picture :)

I am making all of Ellie's baby food-here's my latest batch: peas, peaches and pears,
squash, and sweet potatoes!

Some videos of Ellie's latest shenanigans...

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Pictures Here! Get Your Pictures!

This weekend hasn't been too incredibly eventful.  We went down to Dave's mom's house yesterday to celebrate her birthday early.  I overcame my fear of Ellie sleeping in places other than our house, and she did pretty well!  She went down fairly easy, and slept for about an hour.  Not too bad!  Dave is working days now, so he was at work all day, and I got  taste of what my whole summer will be like....lovely!  I am sooooo excited!  I can't wait to spend everyday with my girl! 

In other news, I am on the verge of killing my neighbors upstairs.  On the outside, they appear to be this nice, friendly, older couple.  In reality, they are evil, evil people.  Okay, I'm exaggerating, but they are a pain in the you know what!  We've had issues for a long time with them making so much noise-stomping around at all hours of the day (and night!), playing loud music, letting their grandson run laps on their hardwood floors.  It's awful.  They even decided it was okay to vacuum at 11:45 at night.  WTF?  It's so loud at times that it keeps me up and it's woken Ellie up, which makes for one angry mama.  I've written them a very polite letter asking them to considerate: huge failure.  Dave talked to them face to face last weekend: another failure.  I got in contact with the HOA manager, who issued a noise violation: another whopping failure.  I have no idea what to do!  I am so frustrated!  They are pounding across the floor as we speak.  I swear if they wake my sleeping baby, I am going to go postal.  I am SO over condo living.  Ugh. 

Ok, now for what everyone wants.  PICTURES!  And lots of them! 

Look at those blue eyes!

Getting silly!

More pictures, mom? C'mon!

I suppose I should smile pretty :)

Even better!

She looks tortured...haha!

He looks comfy, doesn't he?

She's growing up so fast!

Love those bows :)

She LOVES digging through boxes of toys!

Such a pretty smile...

Hi, Mommy :)

Hello world!

Swingin' at Grandma's!

Silly daddy!  He put me in my box of toys!

And some videos:

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Crawling, and Teeth, and Food, Oh My!

Sorry it's been so long since my last post!  It's been crazy around here lately!  Ellie is still not feeling well.  She definitely feels better than she did, but she's got this cough and snotty nose that just doesn't seem to want to go away.  The cough, unfortnately, seems to be worse when she is sleeping, but doesn't wake her up too often, thank goodness!  Whatever she had got passed to me, and my Thursday ended with a three hour trip to to urgent care doctor.  I've got bronchitis and a secondary infection in my lungs.  So, with some prednisone and Z-Pac, I'm feeling a little better.  Far from 100% though! 

Aside from the sickness going around, summer is quickly approaching, and I couldn't be more ready to spend some quality home time with my #1 girl!  She is growing so quickly.  Her array of foods these days include pears, peaches, bananas, butternut squash, avocados, and oatmeal.  Oh, AND she tried those little Gerber Puffs yesterday and is chomping them up with the best of them!  She won't get many, but I figure they're good practice for finger foods since they melt in her mouth so fast.  Of course, she's still breastfeeding.  I must say that I am pretty proud of myself for making it this far.  We're 7 months in, and my goal of nursing for a year doesn't seem so daunting these days.  It's a lot of work, but so well worth it.  Through all the sickness, Ellie has sprouted TWO teeth!  I think I got two pretty good shots of them:

Hmm...Let's see.  What else has been going on?  Last night, our friend Robyn came over, and Dave and I FINALLY got to meet her hubby, Mike.  I think they hit it off really well.  We cooked out, played with the baby, and after she went to sleep, we watched a good movie, double date style :)  Ellie's coughing initially was pretty bad, and we all felt terrible, but it quickly subsided, and we got to enjoy the rest of our evening, worry free.  It was great to have people over who are really conscious and respectful of the fact that there is a wee one in the house!  

Robyn and Ellie chillin' at our house...

Here are some more shots from the week:

Sporting daddy's Georgia Tech hat!

Ohhh....a camera!

Cool dudette :)

That's quite a fashion statement!  (Sad that it almost fits his head...haha)

She's never look more grown up!

Wish I knew what she was looking at!

Such a big girl!  She's been sitting on her own for a few weeks now!

Wrapping up the morning photo shoot...

Love this outfit!

Miss Cuteness 2010!

Photo opp while waiting for daddy!!

Shake, shake, shake!

She did so good at the restaurant!

What is that face?

Playing with her favorite toy: the computer!

Posing for dad!

Love the bloomers on this dress!

And again...

She can get all of the little characters down, but can't get them up
yet.  We're working on it! 

I hope everyone has a great week!  Enjoy the weather :)