Sunday, November 20, 2011


As a running tradition for six years now, all of our friends get together for a pre-Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving dinner.  Whoever hosts makes turkey and potatoes, and everyone brings the rest, potluck style.  This year, dinner was completely different, seeing as though in the last year, we went from 1 baby (Ellie) to now five-Ellie, Griffin and Braeden (14 month old twins), Louis (7 months), and Liam (3 months).  Next year will make six!  Poor Ellie will be surrounded by all boys!  They all did great.  All Ellie wanted to do was hold Liam, and she was just so sweet-hugging and kissing him every chance she got.  Too cute! 

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Two Years Old!

Happy Birthday to my beautiful TWO year old daughter!  Before you become a parent, people always tell you to savor every moment because it goes by so fast.  I have people stop me all the time who have kids in their twenties and thirties who say they feel like their kids were just as small as Ellie.  I am starting to realize that these comments are not just cliche.  The time really does fly once the craziness of parenthood starts.  I literally feel like Ellie was just born and here she is, no longer a baby, but an intelligent, curious, spunky little girl! 

Yesterday, we had a small family get together to celebrate Ellie's 2nd birthday.  In attendance were Ellie's Grandma, Aunt Becky, cousins Jonathan and Kaylee, Aunt Kathy and Uncle Wayne, cousin Paul, and good family friends, Ron and Mary.  Oh!  I can't forget.  My mom and Keith were there for a good majority of the time via Skype :)  Of course, Dave and I were there, along with 31 week old Mason, who will grace us with his presence very soon!  We decided not to do a big blowout and keep things small for Ellie's sake.  At 2, she gets overwhelmed with lots and lots of people, so we wanted to keep it just to family who she loves and is super comfortable with.  Here are some pictures of the day:

Taking a nice, long snooze before the big event!

Ellie's Minnie Mouse themed dining room-she was
very excited when she saw it!

Daddy and his girl!

Playing some football!

Good catch, Ellie!


Playing some drums with Daddy

Minnie Mouse cupcakes were a hit!  I'm proud of 
how they turned out :)

Yum, yum!

Jonathan liked his cupcake, too!

Can you tell?

Nanny Skyping in for the big day :) 

 Mommy and her girl!

Opening presents :) 

She showed Nanny and Grandpa every card and present-
too cute!

Happy Birthday, Ellie!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween!

We weren't sure how trick-or-treating was going to go with Ellie.  She tends to be a little timid around new people and big groups, so we braced ourselves for a 5 minute affair.  Boy were we wrong!  Our little smarty pants quickly realized that knocking on the door and looking cute earned her some yummy treats in her bag.  We had to force her to stop after over an hour of trick-or-treating.  So much fun! 

Sugar Rush!

Little Miss Independent!

Stopping for a lollipop break!

Trick-or-treating at The Bennett's house!

First stop-Ron and Mary's house!

For sure the cutest Minnie Mouse I've ever seen!

Happy Halloween!