I used to brag about the wonderful sleeper that we had! WELL...last night she woke up 7 times! We're not sure what's going on. When she first learned to roll over, we had a few nights where she would wake up from rolling onto her belly, but she quickly realized that she liked sleeping on her tummy, so that issue was null real quick! However, for the last two nights, Ellie's been waking up screaming on her tummy. We think that the cereal and bananas might be upsetting her belly, so we're taking a break from the solids for a while to see if that is the case.
In any case, life is good. My mom's coming on Friday to visit---I can't wait!!!!
What a great weekend! Temperatures in the 70s, friends, and family made for a great couple of days. Saturday we went to an old friend's son's first birthday party. I ran into a handful of old friends from high school, which was really nice! The only thing that sucked is that I didn't realize there were two cats in the house and I spent Saturday night in a Benadryl induced coma. Hah! Sunday we went to watch Dave play football. It was Ellie's first big outing outside and she was a trooper! She did great! The only downer was 1) the car battery died and 2) Ellie stayed up way to long which resulted in a super fussy baby and a feeding in the Chik-Fil-A parking lot...hahah! Here are a few pictures...
How cute am I in my new sunhat?
I could just eat those cheeks up!
I'm not used to this bright sun, mommy!
Happy as a clam on the way to daddy's game!
Dave's the one with the yellow flags on...
Go daddy, go!
I can't resist snapping pictures of those toes!
Takin' a bath in the big girl tub!
I suppose the swaddling isn't keeping her from rolling anymore...hahaha!
Ellie had her 4 month appointment today. She's up to 13 pounds 5 ounces and 24 3/4 inches long! That puts her in the 50th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for height. So despite her bottle resistance at daycare, she is growing, which makes me feel so much better! She took her shots like a champ-Go Ellie! I asked the doctor about the bottle situation and he basically said that for babies as stubborn as Ellie, the only thing I can do is to give up breastfeeding altogether and move to only bottle feeding. He said we'll have a few rough days and then she'll take it. I'm not at that point and what we're doing is working, so I guess we'll jut keep working on it and doing what we're doing. What a pain in the butt!
We had an Easter photo shoot this weekend :) The pictures came out so cute!
Ellie's also recently discovered her toes, and boy is she excited about them!
We added a new piece of furniture to our dining room yesterday---Ellie's highchair!
We decided to start her on her first bowl of cereal yesterday---she did so good! She liked the sippy cup too, which is more for play right now than anything else :) Here are some pictures from the big event!
This week marked my dreaded return back to work. All in all, the week went well. My kiddos at school did a great job getting themselves back on track after me being gone for almost 4 months. Emotionally, I did better than I thought I would ever do. Sunday night and Monday morning I was a wreck---puffy eyes and the whole nine yards...Surprisingly enough, I was ok leaving Ellie in the mornings, but would get really overwhelmed wih emotion on the drive home with her. I don't know why. Maybe it's because I knew I wouldn't have much time with her once I got home? Who knows... My ultimate goal is still to stay home with her, but I know that cannot happen right now, so I'll keep working towards it! Ellie did pretty well at daycare. She slept a lot and was happy during the times she was awake. She took 4-5 oz. from the bottle each day while I was gone. It definitely isn't what she should be getting, but it's better than nothing at all! As a result, her feeding schedule is all kinds of crazy! I wake her at 3 am to eat, which is annoying because she was previously sleeping through the night. She eats at 7am before daycare, 8:30am when she's dropped off at daycare, then 4pm, 6pm, and 7:30pm. I'm not sure that this schedule is going to work out for long because last night she seemed to have a bellyache from eating so much in such a short time. I'm going to ride it out for another week and see what the doctor has to say at her appointment next Monday. Other than being completely exhausted and enjoying every moment I can get with Ellie and Dave, there isn't too much new going on with us. Here are some pictures from this week :)