This week marked my dreaded return back to work. All in all, the week went well. My kiddos at school did a great job getting themselves back on track after me being gone for almost 4 months. Emotionally, I did better than I thought I would ever do. Sunday night and Monday morning I was a wreck---puffy eyes and the whole nine yards...Surprisingly enough, I was ok leaving Ellie in the mornings, but would get really overwhelmed wih emotion on the drive home with her. I don't know why. Maybe it's because I knew I wouldn't have much time with her once I got home? Who knows... My ultimate goal is still to stay home with her, but I know that cannot happen right now, so I'll keep working towards it! Ellie did pretty well at daycare. She slept a lot and was happy during the times she was awake. She took 4-5 oz. from the bottle each day while I was gone. It definitely isn't what she should be getting, but it's better than nothing at all! As a result, her feeding schedule is all kinds of crazy! I wake her at 3 am to eat, which is annoying because she was previously sleeping through the night. She eats at 7am before daycare, 8:30am when she's dropped off at daycare, then 4pm, 6pm, and 7:30pm. I'm not sure that this schedule is going to work out for long because last night she seemed to have a bellyache from eating so much in such a short time. I'm going to ride it out for another week and see what the doctor has to say at her appointment next Monday. Other than being completely exhausted and enjoying every moment I can get with Ellie and Dave, there isn't too much new going on with us. Here are some pictures from this week :)
Sittin' in my Boppy Pillow :)
Daddy and Ellie
Happy girl!
First ride in my stroller!
My new sleeping position-makes Mommy nervous!
Congrats on week one being done and GONE! Hopefully that was the most difficult week, and each one will now get easier and easier. Something my Dad used to tell me (when I would cry on Sunday evenings, dreading having to go to school the next day) is to remember this - the week days always go like this: "MOOOOOOOOOOOONday, TUUUUUESday, WEDNNesday, THURSDAY, friday (real quick!)" Not sure the type is communicating that right, but hopefully you get what I mean - and I'm sure you've heard it before. So, just don't forget that with each week that comes, you just gotta tackle that Monday and then it'll be closer and closer to being over! (I love the sleeping picture of Ellie above!)