Monday, August 9, 2010

Crazy Cousins!

Dave's sister, her husband, and our nephew, Jonathan came up from North Carolina this week for a visit!  Jonathan will be three in October, and is LOADS of fun at this age!  He absolutely LOVES his Uncle Dave, and had a blast playing with him in the sprinkler. 

Playing with Uncle Dave in the sprinkler!

Action shot!

Jonathan chasing Uncle Dave!

Pushing Uncle Dave in the sprinkler!

Love that boy!


Taking a break to show Kirby some love.  He was NOT loving the sprinkler.


All boy!

I think Jonathan was less than impressed with his cousin, Ellie.  She kept "wrecking" his cars and eating them, leading to a little bit of sulking on his part.  I was amused nonetheless.  My little wrecking ball stayed true to her reputation and knocked every car off of the table, stopping here and there to taste a truck or two.  What a great day!

Checking him out!

Leaning in for a kiss!

Oh, I'll just eat his whole face instead :)

Playing nicely together...

My favorite picture of the day!

Taking a break to taste a few trucks...

Jonathan is getting a little antsy...haha...

What'd I do?

"She's wrecking them!  She's wrecking them!"

Her newly acquired skill...

Look, ma!  I did it!

Playing "SO BIG" with Aunt Becky!  Notice the
oh-so-cute 23 week preggo belly :)

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