Saturday, September 25, 2010

A Glimpse of Fall...

This past week marked the start of Fall, my absolute favorite time of the year.  The leaves, the pumpkins and pumpkin-flavored everything, and the crisp smell of cool, Fall air all bring a special feeling into my heart.  We got a glimpse into perfect Fall weather earlier this week when temperatures fell to a brisk 50 degrees.  I can't wait until that becomes the norm in the next few months.  So what's going on in our house...

Dave-Dave's now working the evening shift at work.  That's 4pm-2am.  It has its pros and cons as do all of the shifts that he could potentially work.  We don't see him much from Monday-Wednesday, only a few minutes early in the morning when he is so gracious as to wake up and walk us out to say goodbye.  The pros are that he gets to watch Ellie all day Thursday and Friday, and we basically have the whole weekend together.  Can't complain about that! 

Me-School is in full swing.  I'm really enjoying my class this year.  The kids are super sweet and seem to work really well together.  Their parents seem really supportive as well!  I'm working really hard at work to stay on top of things, which always seems like a daunting task.  If I slip up and relax for just a little while, I seem to fall behind again.  I'm sure it'll work it's way out as it always does.  I have so much respect for working moms, especially since I'm one of them.  It's so hard to balance, coming home and cooking dinner, playing with Ellie, bathtime, bedtime, trying to live a healthy lifestyle by working out and eating well, working on my Master's...yikes...that list seems even longer when I write it down.  I'm doing my best to stay on top of it all, but it's definitely a challenge.  A challenge I'm up for, but a challenge nonetheless...

Ellie-The last 10 months have gone by so fast!  It's so hard to believe that she's gone from a helpless little newborn to an almost walking, eating and playing machine that is almost 10 1/2 months old!  I stole this from a honor of Ellie's 10 Month Birthday, here are Ellie's TOP TEN...

10.  Ellie loves to be read to these days.  Her favorite are any type of touch and feel book, especially those with animals.  She listens, kisses each animal, and then turns the pages herself as we read our stories each day.

9.  She's becoming more and more confident with standing on her own.  She can just about run while holding onto any piece of furniture and has taken a few steps here and there holding onto one of our fingers.  She doesn't seem to be in a hurry to let go, but just as she does with everything else, I'm sure she'll just wake up one day and decide to walk...

8.  Ellie is 100% on finger foods.  No more purees for this girl!  Her recent favorite are macaroni and cheese, eggs, cheese, peas, avocado, and bananas.  She'll eat just about anything you put in front her her with the exception of meat.  We've tried turkey and chicken and  so far, she is not fond of either. 

7.  She's figured out the game of "come and get me!"  She'll slowly move to the doorway of another room and as soon as she sees you get up to get her, she takes off like a bat out of you know where!  I'm not sure it's a good thing to encourage, but she loves the game!

6.  Peek-a-boo!  She plays pee-a-boo with herself, the dog, and anyone who is willing to play along! 

5.  Just a few days ago, Ellie started trying to feed us her dinner!  So cute!  Sometimes, she'll hold out her food and then shake her head no when you lean in to get it.  She has one funny little sense of humor! 

4.  Ellie has just about graduated 100% from the sleep sacks.  She loves cuddling up to her blankie at bedtime these days and is sleeping in some super-cute footy pajamas. 

3.  Speaking of cuddling, I think our girl is the cuddliest baby on the planet.  She gives the best bear hugs you can ever imagine.  I mean, arms wrapped around your neck, just about strangling you kinds of hugs.  This coupled with her open-mouthed slobbery kisses are totally worth waiting all day for :)

2.  Ellie might not look much like me, but she sure has inherited my love of music!  Whenever the music comes on, she started bopping up and down like a natural.  We spend many a Saturday morning watching and singing along to CMT Music.

1.  Ask any parent and I bet they'll say that the one thing that they wish for most in their child's life is for them to be happy.  We have been blessed in that department.  Ellie is such a happy little girl.  She smiles from the moment she wakes up to just minutes before she goes to bed for the night.  It's a good feeling to know that the life we're leading makes our girl so happy :) 


  1. I LOVE your top ten!!! I'm so happy for you guys to have such a happy and healthy baby girl! After reading your current to-do list, your blog is even more amazing! You are impressive!

  2. I totally agree with the happy baby thing! It feels so good to know that we're obviously doing something right to have such happy little girls!
