Friday, February 19, 2010

A Stressful Few Days...

As much as I love being a mommy to my darling Ellie, motherhood can be extremely stressful at times. This week was one of those times. I go back to work on March 1st, so I figured I should probably bring Ellie to daycare for a few trial runs. She did great for the most part! Our daycare providers, Erin and Tammy, are wonderful, and are super sensitive to my nervous-nelly first time mom rambles.  She seemed overall pretty happy and the other kids accepted her really well.  Ellie slept pretty well while she was there, but flat out refused to eat. When I got there to pick her up yesterday, I could hear her screaming from out on the deck. It was awful. I felt so bad. I am lucky that I have the option of going and feeding her on my lunch break because I am so close.  I struggled with this decision, which resulted in me crying all night last night.  I know that I should probably just leave her and that eventually she'll get hungry enough to eat, but the mommy in me tells me to go and feed my baby, which is what I am going to do.  When I look back, I'll never regret going to spend time with Ellie, and honestly, this arrangement isn't forever.  It's only until the end of the school year.  When she goes back to daycare in the Fall, she'll be eating solids and it won't be an issue.  So that's that.  I'll be going to daycare everyday to feed her until she gets the hang of the bottle.  Between you and me, I don't mind the "burden" of getting to sneak out and cuddle my little one each day.  What a good lunch break :)  Here are some pictures from her first day at daycare:


  1. Arabella has the same dress! And don't ever question your decision to go feed her on you're lunch break! You get to spend time with her and that's all that matters!! She's such a cutie pie!!!

  2. super cute headband!!!! I bet she stole her care providers hearts instantly!
