Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Growing Girl!

Big girl!
I took Ellie to the doctor to get weighed yesterday-she's up to 11 pounds 14 ounces! Girlfriend is growing! It looks like her Zantac is working well! She seems to be back to her old self again and is back to eating well--thank goodness! We've started back up on the bottle, which has been relatively successful. She takes about an ounce to two ounces from me each morning out of the bottle with NO TEARS! She latches right on, but I think she is only going to take so much from me. Why would she take a whole bottle when the real goods are right there in front of her? Hah! Hopefully once she goes to daycare (sniff sniff) she'll take right to it. Hopefully...

Speaking of daycare, I'm down to 21 days left of my maternity leave. I'm so sick over the whole situation. I want more than anything to be a stay at home mom, but I just don't know if we can swing it and I promised myself I would give work a try. I totally trust the daycare that we've chosen, but it's just so hard to imagine leaving her for so long everyday. Everyone laughs at how upset I am over it and says that it will get better. I just don't know. Leaving her just feels so wrong and I don't think I will get over that feeling. We'll see I suppose. Anyway, here's what everyone wants....pictures!

She's getting so good at grabbing her toys!
She's so silly! She really did put herself like this all on her own!
Sitting up!

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