Sunday, May 16, 2010

I Heart Weekends :)

I know I've said it before, but since having Ellie and returning to work, I savor the weekends so much more than I ever have in the past.  This weekend was so low-key, and I enjoyed every second of it!  To top it all off, Ellie took four naps this weekend, all of which were over two hours long!  Go Ellie!

Friday night was rather warm, so we decided it was a great time for Ellie's first dip in the pool.  Well, it was really her bathtub, outside, with cool water, but still.  You get the idea :) 

I'm not so sure about this...


I think I'll climb out!

I'd better not!

Kirby!  That tickles!

I LOVE my bath toys! (Oh sorry, my POOL toys :)

This is the life!

Saturday was really nice.  We decided to go to the park to have a picnic.  It was a little breezy, but relaxing nonetheless.  After our lunch, we took a walk on the trail, and then took Ellie to the playground for the first time.  She had a blast on the swings!  Girlfriend is going to be FEARLESS! 

The perfect picnic spot...

Ellie and Daddy on the picnic blanket...

One of my favorites :)

And another...

Kirby is thinking "if only they would look the other way..."

Now onto the swing!  Apparently, we are pretty funny.  I'll remind her of that when she's 15 :)

Pudge-kin face :)

What a big girl!

Playing BOO with Daddy!

Sneaky little face...

She's still such a peanut!

Anyone that knows me well know that I'm a pretty low-maintenance lady :)  I love family and friends, and being with the ones that I love.  Uneventful weekends full of walks, picnics at the parks, holding hands with my hubby, and snuggles from my girl are all that I need!

This last picture has no real significance to my weekend really, but is too cute not to post :)

My angel sleeping with her lovey :)


  1. Aww! Thanks for sharing your photos! I love seeing all your photos and videos of Ellie. Makes me more and more excited for Tiny to arrive! =)

  2. Such a perfect weekend!! I love the picnic! That's something I'm sad that we probably won't get to do down here..... too hot and buggy and much UNKNOWN stuff in the grass! :( Ellie is so cute though and definitely looked to have loved the weekend as much as you did! :)

  3. sooooooooo fun!!!! We DID have the same weekend ;) Your pics are just perfect--captures all the carefree fun!
