Sunday, May 9, 2010


I'm feeling the urge to write a sappy Mother's Day post, so here goes nothing...  Almost two years ago, while lying on the beach in White Lake, NC, Dave and I decided that we wanted to be parents more than anything in the world.  We got home from vacation, excited to embark on this new adventure towards parenthood, and three weeks later, I found out I was pregnant.  We were absolutely shocked and couldn't wait to tell anyone who would listen that we were going to be parents.  Ten weeks after I found out that I was pregnant, our world was shattered when we found out that Baby "Bean" didn't make it.  The months following my miscarriage were filled with uncertainty and doubt, medical tests, anxiety, and anticipation.  I thought I was fine, but looking back, I realize that I went through a major bout of depression.  Three months later, we were cleared by the doctor to start trying again, and to our absolute shock, three weeks later, I found out I was pregnant once again.  I about fell on the floor.  I had all these plans to tell Dave in some creative way, but I couldn't contain myself, so I just ran out and showed him the test.  I had no idea what I was in for.  The next nine months were surprisingly devoid of worry.  I thought I was going to be a wreck given what we had gone through just a few short months before, but I was ok.  What did take me by surprise was how sick I became.  I'm not even sure I can describe in words how sick I was with Ellie.  I threw up just about everyday from the time I was 6 weeks pregnant to the day Ellie was born.  Heck, throwing up is what progressed my labor so fast!  Go figure!  On the morning of November 13th, 2009, I woke up feeling kind of funny and mentioned to Dave that I "might" be going into labor.  He went into work, thinking that it would be awhile.  About an hour later, my mom called him, and said that he'd better get to the hospital since my contractions were 3 minutes apart!  I went from "feeling kind of funny" to being in the hospital dilated 4 centimeters within about an hour and a half.  Two hours later, I got my epidural, and 2 hours after that, Ellie was born.  It was quite the whirlwind experience.  I'm not sure there's a baby in the world who was wanted more than Ellie.  I've got tears in my eyes just thinking about how loved she is and is going to be as she grows up.  My brother called me today and put it so well-"Nik, I wanted to call and say Happy Mother's Day.  I know it's been a long journey getting here, but I know you'd do it all over again to get your little girl."  How true is that?  I would go through that pain a thousand times over to get my little angel.  It's surreal to me that I am celebrating Mother's Day for myself this year.  It's an emotional thing, you know.  I feel like the luckiest woman alive.  I've got an amazing husband, a beautiful daughter, and family and friends that would do anything for us.  Happy Mother's Day to all of you moms out there.  You've got quite the little blessings in your lives :)

Our journey towards parenthood...

Our "Bean"
Remembering our little one...

Ellie @  7 weeks :)

10 weeks and looking more like a wee one :)

18 weeks...boy or girl?

Holy moly!  It's a girl! 

37 weeks cooked and more than ready to go!

Best Halloween costume ever!  39 weeks DONE! 

November 13, 2009...Elizabeth Grace Welch...8 pounds 1 ounce...21.5 inches long...

We waited so long for her...


1 month old...

2 months...look at that grin!

3 months and beautiful...

4 months old!

5 months! 

Here we are, 6 months later, loving our new life more than ever.  I've had a great couple of days with my loves, and I couldn't think of a better way to spend Mother's Day weekend. 

Some pictures from the weekend...

Look Mommy, I can read...oh wait, no...I just like eating the book :)

Sitting in the shopping cart like a big girl! 

Happy Mother's Day!!!!!!!!!

Oh...and what would one of my posts be without a new video of Miss Cuteness.  She's learned to give kisses :) 


  1. I think Ellie is trying to tell you she wants a sister or brother to smooch! Love your post! It's a mom's job to be sentimental on days like today. Ellie is definitely a lucky girl to have you and Dave! =)

  2. You're story sounds so much like mine! You made me tear up! You're a wonderful mommy to an adorable little girl! <3

  3. such a great post! Quite the journey and amazing current ending!!!!
