Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Scrub-A-Dub-Dub...Ellie's in the Tub!

I always imagined that bath time with a newborn could potentially be a very unenjoyable experience. I pictured a screaming baby, a flustered mommy and daddy trying to frantically wash their slippery little one to get it over with. Well, that is NOT the case at all. From day one, well, more like day 10, Ellie has absolutely loved getting her bath! We've even decided to do it every night as a part of her bedtime routine because she loves it so much. We only use soap every 3 days or so, so that we don't dry out her delicate little skin. Ellie could go from screaming and unhappy (not that she is that way very often) to calm and relaxed within seconds of her bare little butt hitting the water.

Recently, she has made two discoveries worth capturing on video. The first being her fists. She has realized that she can suck the water off of her hands,which makes for some pretty amusing sound effects. Second, she has figured out how to splash the water. I think we are going to have to transition her baby tub into the big tub shortly because our counter is getting pretty wet at bath time these days!

Here's Ellie sucking on her fists!

Here she is splashing all around!

In other news, we've decided to axe the bottle for a while. She had one great day with it on Saturday, but other than that, it is a constant source of stress in our house. I've figured out that I can just go and feed her at daycare once per day when I return to work, so it's not that big of a deal. We'll pick the bottle up again in a week or so and give it a try, but for now, it's bye bye bottle! Bon Voyage! Good riddens!

Ellie has her two month appointment today, so I'll update everyone on how that goes. I'm sure I'll be more upset than she is when it's all said and done :(

To end this post, I have to include an update about Kirby. Kirby has decided that he loves the Boppy pillow just as much as everyone else.


  1. such fun videos!!! I love that she's holding a ring, too....I can't get Will to do that yet! SO fun!!! Ellie, you are one cute happy camper!!!!

  2. Will will be there so soon! Ellie just started really holding things in the last week or so.
