Ellie's new plan for her reflux seems to be helping! Nursing her sitting up and giving her the Zantac appears to be making her so much more comfortable when she's eating, which she is doing ALL THE TIME right now! I'm hoping that once her little esophogus heals up, she'll be able to eat more at once and then her feedings will space out some. We've also started the bottle again. She'll take about an ounce at a time, but hopefully in the next 3 1/2 weeks, she'll start to accept a bit more. If not, we'll cross that bridge then, but I am NOT going to stress about it.
On a different note, Dave and I booked our flight to Montana for this summer. We are so excited to take our first big vacation together as a family, even though I'm a little nervous about taking Ellie on an airplane :/
Here are some pictures from this morning:
Mr. Mopey-He still sulks all the time...haha!
Playing with her toys!
She grabbed her toy all by herself! Go Ellie!
Yay Ellie!