Hello, and welcome to our new blog! The past 2 months of our life as a family has been new, hectic, exhausting, and most of all, absolutely wonderful. I wish it hadn't taken me 2 months to get this started, but regrets are so 2009 :) So, what's new with us?
Me (Natalie, or Nikki to some): I am 9 weeks into my leave from work. I never thought that I could stand being home this long, but it is so absolutely satisfying. I love being at home with Ellie. I get to witness every little thing that she does, which is amazing! I have 6 weeks left before I need to go back to work, and although I completely trust the daycare providers that we've chosen, I am honestly dreading the day I need to return to the working world. I have decided, however, not to ruin my last 6 weeks at home with my little one. Rather, I am going to cherish these moments and enjoy them all! On a different note, I've recently started back at Weight Watchers, which is going well. I've lost 5 pounds so far with Weight Watchers, and about 40 total since Ellie was born. I tried going back to the gym, but with Dave's work schedule, it has been really hard to get there. So...I've decided to cancel my membership and do my workouts at home. I bought a Biggest Loser DVD and it is kicking my butt, so I think I've made the best decision! I also figure once Spring rolls around, I can go walking with Ellie and Kirby. Enough about me...
Me (Natalie, or Nikki to some): I am 9 weeks into my leave from work. I never thought that I could stand being home this long, but it is so absolutely satisfying. I love being at home with Ellie. I get to witness every little thing that she does, which is amazing! I have 6 weeks left before I need to go back to work, and although I completely trust the daycare providers that we've chosen, I am honestly dreading the day I need to return to the working world. I have decided, however, not to ruin my last 6 weeks at home with my little one. Rather, I am going to cherish these moments and enjoy them all! On a different note, I've recently started back at Weight Watchers, which is going well. I've lost 5 pounds so far with Weight Watchers, and about 40 total since Ellie was born. I tried going back to the gym, but with Dave's work schedule, it has been really hard to get there. So...I've decided to cancel my membership and do my workouts at home. I bought a Biggest Loser DVD and it is kicking my butt, so I think I've made the best decision! I also figure once Spring rolls around, I can go walking with Ellie and Kirby. Enough about me...
Dave: Dave is into week 20 of 31 at the police academy! He seems to really enjoy it and is doing so well! I do think he is quite ready to move onto the next phase in this whole process though. After the academy, he moves onto 3 months of Field Training, which I compare to student teaching. He shadows a mentor officer for 3 months, and I think he has to do 1 month of each shift: day, evening, and midnight. Other than work, just like me, Dave is absolutely smitten with Miss Ellie, and is such a great dad!
Ellie: What can I say? This little one is the joy of our lives. She seems to grow each day, and I am amazed at how fast time is going. She is now sleeping about 7 hours straight at night, which is great for Dave and I. She has recently started smiling more and more, and is almost laughing! I can't wait to hear it! She's also getting better at grabbing onto her toys, and even reaches for them from time to time. It sounds so cliche, but I cannot believe how in love I am with her. I still tear up from time to time when I look at her. We waited so long to get her, and I wouldn't change a thing now that she's here!
Ellie: What can I say? This little one is the joy of our lives. She seems to grow each day, and I am amazed at how fast time is going. She is now sleeping about 7 hours straight at night, which is great for Dave and I. She has recently started smiling more and more, and is almost laughing! I can't wait to hear it! She's also getting better at grabbing onto her toys, and even reaches for them from time to time. It sounds so cliche, but I cannot believe how in love I am with her. I still tear up from time to time when I look at her. We waited so long to get her, and I wouldn't change a thing now that she's here!
This smile gets me everytime!.JPG)
Kirby: Mr. Kirb is still adjusting to life with Ellie. I still think when we leave with her in the carseat, he secretly hopes that we'll return without her, but all in all, he does really well. I cannot wait for warmer weather so that I can get the poor guy out for some long walks!Ellie wakes up so happy, so we decided to try and catch it on video. Success!
Nanny's girl is perfect...I miss you little one